Why Online Reputation Management for Individuals is Crucial
It’s no secret that maintaining a positive brand image online is essential in today’s digital world. At Universal Business Reputation, we’ve seen a rise in the need for online reputation management services for individuals as awareness in online branding rises.
In this article, we will review why individuals such as entrepreneurs, CEO’s, business owners, politicians, athletes and more should all closely monitor their reputations on Google as 2020 nears us.
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How Important Is My Online Reputation?

If you’ve spent any time on the Web, you know how easy it is for anyone to publish content with a few clicks of a mouse. Many people blog or write reviews with good intentions, but there are others who use the power of self-publishing for negative purposes. The information available about you on the Internet is your “online reputation” or “personal reputation”.
A Google search is the modern “first impression”. If your Google Page 1 says “SCAM + YOUR NAME”, for example, a first impression is instantly tarnished.
It happens every day. A disgruntled former employee trashes your company. A negative article is published about you in the local paper. Maybe you’ve been arrested for or accused of a crime. In each of these cases, when someone searches your name online, they will likely find this information.
At least 50% of U.S. adults see their search results as negative. While many don’t hone a positive reputation, the awareness of its importance has risen.
Real-Life Consequences of a Negative Online Image
Having a negative online reputation is damaging. If you are an actor or musician, negative content can interfere with your ability to land gigs. Business owners with negative reputations can lose out on prospective customers. Every day individuals can feel the impact of negative search engine results, too, causing loss of business or even turning friends against them.
If you are looking for a job, you need to know that employment recruiters are searching for your name in Google, and if they find anything negative, your chances for that great new job are not good. Up to 75% of HR departments are required to search online for applicant history and at least 85% said that the information found impacts their hiring decision.
Studies were done in 2015 that indicated:
- One negative article on Google can result in a 22% drop in potential customers
- Two negative articles on Google can result in a 44% drop in potential customers
- Three negative articles on Google can result in a 59.2% drop in potential customers
- Four or more negative articles on Google can result in a 70% drop in potential customers
For individuals, this can mean potential investors, gigs, or other business opportunities lost. With more people than ever trusting search engines to provide accurate, trustworthy information about a business, it’s time to take control of how you appear online. And without a long-term solution, you may be stuck with negative articles or reviews.
Luckily, you’ve found the right resource to help – our reputation experts know how to help your unique situation.
How Can Universal Business Reputation Help Me?
At Universal Business Reputation, we excel at helping people recover their online reputations. Using a variety of proven strategies, including digital marketing, link-building, and content development, our experts have a long track record of successes for our clients. Our expertise is why so many people have chosen us to help manage their reputation online in comparison to other reputation management companies.
It all begins with a detailed assessment of your existing online reputation. Our team analyzes search results and ranking on Google, Bing, and Yahoo search engines. With this information, we can formulate a reputation management strategy that performs beautifully.
We work hard to push negative content and negative search results down by replacing that negative content with positive, relevant articles and content about you, your brand, or your company. This is the perfect opportunity to enhance your online reputation with the kind of information you WANT others to know about you when they search for you online.
After a dedicated online campaign, our experts will have restored & repaired your reputation – while having built a sleek, powerful online presence.
Find Out More About Our Online Reputation Management Services Today
Online reputation management is more than combatting negative information in search engine results. Individuals and small business owners around the country have used our expert ORM services to build brands and to showcase the positive aspects of their personalities and business operations. With our digital marketing expertise and technical know-how, we can help you attract new customers, create impactful, positive Web content, and see increased revenue.
We have worked with celebrities, business professionals, and everyday people, helping them to restore online reputations tarnished by negative content on the Web. Our digital marketing and SEO professionals are equipped with the latest tools and strategies to help boost your reputation, remove negative search results, and to showcase you and your brand with positive, well-written web content. Call Universal Business Reputation today at (714) 451-2043 or go online today to receive a free reputation analysis.